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Polycarbonate Lenses

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Dr. Marc Weinstein

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Why Eyeglass Wearers Should Consider Getting Polycarbonate Lenses

Choosing a new pair of eyeglasses can prove an overwhelming task, especially with all the options out there. Not only must consumers sort through different styles of frames, but the options for lenses have increased significantly in recent years. Selecting the right material can ensure your eyeglasses have a long lifespan. They can also improve overall eye health.

Those concerned about longevity should look into polycarbonate lenses when purchasing new glasses. What is polycarbonate, and what are the advantages of using it in eyewear?

What Is Polycarbonate? What Is It Used For?

Polycarbonate is a type of plastic that’s used to craft numerous products, though you might not even be aware you’ve seen it before. Beyond eyeglasses, applications that utilize this material include car parts, bullet-proof glass, medical appliances, lighting fixtures, protective gear, and electronics.

As that list suggests, polycarbonate is stronger than most widely used types of plastic. However, it’s much less heavy than glass. That combination makes it ideal when creating anything that needs to be transparent, lightweight, and durable.

Compared to Columbia Resin 39 (CR-39) lenses, polycarbonate ones offer more comfort and stability. What are CR-39 lenses?

What Is CR-39?

CR-39 lenses are a staple of eyewear, and they’re one of the most commonly purchased types of glasses on the market. That can be chalked up to their price point. Because they don’t come with additional features, they’re typically the least expensive option. They also offer a top-tier visual experience, while polycarbonate lenses tend to be slightly less impressive in terms of optics.

Unfortunately, CR-39 lenses come with challenges that don’t always make the better optics and lower price point worth it. For one, the material is much heavier than polycarbonate, making them less comfortable to wear. They also aren’t as durable, rendering them a poor choice for those looking for longevity.

CR-39 lenses also don’t come with natural scratch resistance or UV coating, making the lenses and the wearer’s eyes more susceptible to damage in the long run.

The Advantages of Polycarbonate Lenses

CR-39 is a popular alternative to polycarbonate lenses, but the latter come with a host of advantages. In addition to being more difficult to break than your standard pair of eyeglasses, they’re shatter-proof and resistant to heat. They also contain a layer of ultra-violet (UV) coating, protecting one’s eyes from UV rays and sun damage. And although they aren’t naturally scratch resistant, wearers can add a coating that makes them less susceptible to damage.

Additionally, those whose prescriptions are stronger also don’t need to worry about their lenses becoming heavier as their vision worsens. Polycarbonate can address those optical concerns without forcing consumers to get thicker lenses.

With so many benefits, most retailers charge extra for polycarbonate lenses. Fortunately, 39 Dollar Glasses isn’t one of them. In fact, that’s our base lens, and our polycarbonate glasses start at just $39. To learn more about the polycarbonate lenses we offer, visit www.39dollarglasses.com.